Hazel Curtis - Holistic Therapist. . .
Hazel Curtis - Holistic Therapist. . .
making time to unwind
making time to unwind
Treatment Menu & Tariff
First price increase since 2016.
As from 9th January 2023
Treatment Menu & Tariff
First price increase since 2016.
As from 9th January 2023
For further treatment details, please see the drop-down menu.
For further treatment details, please see the drop-down menu.
Gift Certificates
Gift Certificates
Make ideal gifts and are available for specific treatments, Weleda or benecos products. If you would like further information please use the Contact Form.
Terms & Conditions:
Payment is due prior to treatment and can be paid by cash, via card or bank transfer.
The right to refuse treatment is reserved if you have certain medical conditions or you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
There is a charge for missed appointments and less than 24 hours notice may incur a charge of 50% of full treatment cost. Late arrival could result in your treatment time being reduced.